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What I eat for breakfast: I usually have inquiry a protein shake or something thats really easy, quick and that I can put in one of those blender bottles. If I have more time I can use my Vitamix. Ill throw in some spirulina and some wild blueberries to get some extra nutrition. But I usually dont have nice breakfasts its always very on-the-go. How I sweat: I cant do a lot of the things I would like to do, so for me, Pilates tends to be a good thing. The strengthening and the lengthening really works for my body. But sometimes I really miss being part of a workout class. Doing spin classes actually works for me, because if I sit in the back by a fan so I dont overheat and my feet are strapped into that bike, I can manage the type and intensity of class my body allows me to do. It really makes me feel like I got my heart rate going and I got to do a fun thing with my friends. Theres always a spiritual journey, too, if you have a good instructor.
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